How to Claim Pet Medical Insurance

Pet medical insurance is basically your best solution to large veterinary bills, so if your pet pooch needs medical treatment, you can make a claim on your pet insurance policy.

The process for obtaining the funds should ideally be simple and fast so you can be around to take care of your pet when it needs it the most.

When can I make a claim?

If you want to opt for pet health insurance to pay for your pet’s treatment or emergency medical situation, you can talk to your insurer to check if you can claim.

While pet insurance policies may differ when it comes to what you can claim, most will cover you for medical expenses that arise if you are traveling with your pet and need the funds for urgent medical care.

Some health insurance for dogs and medical insurance for cats will also allow for alterative healing methods like acupuncture, and help with advertising costs in the vent that your pet gets lost or is stolen.

Depending on your coverage, some health insurance for cats and medical insurance for dogs will let you make a claim if your pet passes  away following an accident while others will offer liability insurance in case your pet harms a third party.

How soon do I start with the formalities?

The answer is as soon as possible. You must let your insurer know that you intend to claim your pet insurance. Start by calling you insurer’s helpline as stated on the policy document.

What do I say?

Give your insurer all possible details including the estimated cost. Know the name of your pet’s condition if any) and the necessary mode of treatment or if your pet will need to be operated upon.

How do I proceed to claim?

Most insurers will ask you to complete the documentation by way of submitting a duly filled claim form along with photocopies of all receipts and invoices that will serve as proof.

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